Learn the key aspects of Emotional Intelligence & improve your relationships in career & lifestyle dynamics
- More Productive Relationships
- Fewer Conflicts
- Happier Lifestyle
What you'll get:
Learn the top tips & essential elements of how to boost your Emotional Intelligence,
What's included:
1. Quick checklist of how to Boost your EI instantly
2. Emotional Intelligence Kit - In depth brochure on EI that will help you to understand reframe negative situations / problematic encounters / complex social dynamics at work/home and much more to a place of emotional freedom and ease.
2. x2 Audios on the the meaning of EI, the Key Pillars of EI and how to integrate them into your life, Gender differences around EI and how to work with male/female energies to increase EI in couples for greater relationship success and the future of EI.
- Audio 1: What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Audio 2: Ways to boost Emotional Intelligence.